The Purpose of this blog

Your task on this blog is to write a brief summary of what we learned in class today. Include enough detail so that someone who was ill or missed the class can catch up with what they missed. Over the course of the term, these 'class scribe' posts will grow to be a guide for the course, written by students for students.

With each post ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is this good enough for our guide?
2) Will your post enable someone who wasnt here to catch up?
3) Would a graphic/video/link help to illustrate what we have learned?

Friday 7 October 2011

semantic fields

We started the lesson carrying on from Fridays looking at liminal images and discussing what they showed. We then came up with 3 liminal elements in Wuthering Heights, 2 questions we wanted to know about oppositions in the text, as well as an analogy. My analogy was Wuthering heights is like reverse skittles where the outside is juxtaposed to the flavour inside.

We then held a long discusiion based upon the oppositions and the liminal that existed in Wuthering Heights and bloody chamber. We discovered oppositions are fixed whereas the characters who have liminal aspects can alternate between the two.

We were then all given a sheet where we linked characters with an adjective or a noun, and compared our opinions with one another and how they related, or opposed eachother. On the other side of the sheet was a critic's intepretation of Wuthering Heights with all the words we involved.

We then read two extracts where we had to find a pattern of words with similar meanings and group them up, these are known as semantic fields, some of the semantic fields found within the two extracts were; hidden, battle, household/domestic, colours and luxuries.

Our last task of the lesson was to read an article called Life on the Edge - opposition and fragmentation in Wuthering Heights, we then repeated our initial task of the lesson; findind 3 oppositions, 2 questions and an analogy. 'Lockwood is like an X factor contestant he has more potential than he knows'.

Our homework was to comment on this blog and to sum up each article in 10 bullet points.



  1. Thanks Leigh for the blog, and how many articles did we get? i thought we had one. Aisha

  2. Good blog Leigh. The Semantic Fields concept certainly enables us to make links between a range of words/lexis. The grafting of oppositions allows for the fusion to be exploited, so we can see that not everything is not what it seems at first glance.

  3. Thank you for the blog Leigh. I think that in lesson the most important thing I learnt is the fact that the semantic fields of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange intertwine and cross over. Showing the way that oppositions truly are "grafted" onto one another.

    Roman A.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good blog Leigh, well done. The lesson was very good. The Semantic Fields idea allows us to make links between a range of words/lexis in Wuthering Heights


  6. Decent blog!!

    The lesson on semantic fields was very different to the lesson on liminality, in my opinion.


  7. Good bolg Leigh. The concept of semantic feild helps in looking at important words/lexis which are to be used whilst writtinga na essay.
