Today we read and summarized act 3.
Macbeth is worried that Banquo and his child, Fleance may take his place as king, like the witches predicted. Macbeth hires two murders to kill Banquo and Fleance.
The murders now joined by another murderer sneak up on Banquo and Fleance, they kill Banquo but Fleance manages to escape, murderers take Banquo's body to Macbeth. Macbeth isannoyed that they never killed Fleance.
At the feast Macbeth is holding with the other lords, Macbeth see's Banquo's ghost sat in his chair, no one else can see Banquo. Macbeth speaks/shouts at the ghost Lady Macbeth tells all the guest to leave immediatly.
The witches meet with Hecate the goddess of magic who is angry with Macbeth as he is trying to stop fate, Fleance becoming king, she tells the other witches that they are going to lie to Macbeth about visions to confuse him.
Later that night Lennox is with another lord discussing Macbeth, he talks of Banquo's death,which is being blame on Fleance who has fled, Lennox says how he thinks Macbeth was to blame and not Fleance. Lennox says Macduff has gone to king of England to get help, and save Scottland from Macbeth.
Homework: Research historical and gothicky context for Macbeth and two essays,
1) "Ghosts are projections of our innermost anxieties" -disuss this in relation to Macbeth.
2) How are horror and terror used in act 3.
Great post, btw why are ghosts always portrayed as being white and invisible?? Aisha